Sep 28, 2015 | Social Media |
Earlier this month I announced that I was going to retire my Iceland Weather Report Facebook page. It so happened that the announcement came in the wake of a post that had attracted racist, hateful comments from a bunch of people who apparently were at their wits end...
Apr 22, 2013 | Social Media |
In Doris Lessing’s excellent novel The Golden Notebook, the main character, Anna, has four different notebooks in which she writes about the different aspects of her life. She struggles with this, and in the end somehow manages to combine the four different...
Nov 1, 2012 | Social Media |
When I first signed up for Facebook, I was delighted by what it offered me. During the course of my life I’d lived in so many places and made so many friends that I couldn’t possibly keep up with everyone via traditional email [to say nothing of snail...
May 2, 2012 | Social Media, Uncategorized |
OK, we may as well start out with a wee confession: I’m a little bit intimidated by this new blog. Despite having written over 1,000 blog posts on my previous blog, to the point where I could write posts in my sleep, this slope here feels just a tad slippery....