Today I went to view a garret room I was thinking of renting, to enable me to write my rants without the inevitable distraction of Overflowing Laundry Basket or Dishwasher Screaming to be Emptied. It was all very bohemian and small, but the downside is that it would require a substantial measure of fraternizing with people. Which would be all good and fine except that I don’t like people much. That’s ‘people’ in the generic sense. I like individuals. But ‘people’ can be a pain, especially when they start getting all dysfunctional and difficult on you.
The best thing I heard today: someone pointed out that last week the oil company bosses all resigned – temporarily – from a single board of which they were members on the very same day. Now I ask you: is any more proof of collaboration required?
The weather: overcast, occasional rain, temps 2-8 degrees. Sunrise was at 9.51; sunset at 16.32.