Today is “Cream Puff Day” here in Iceland, which means everyone in the country eats a whole bunch of these.
Now, on this day, every [small] kid gets a wand type of thing with a bunch of fluff on the end with which to spank his or her parents. Ideally, the parents should be spanked in bed before getting up in the morning. And depending on how many times said child manages to spank the parents, that’s how many cream puffs the child gets to imbibe. Pretty good incentive for spanks, you can imagine.
[One can only hope that anti-parent-spanking laws will not be passed anytime soon.]
This is merely the first of a succession of Three Fun Days that mark the traditional start of Lent. Tune in tomorrow and the next day if you want to know what the rest of them are… [never averse to a little manipulation, our YT.]
Whell. Readers got some idea of the mayhem that prevailed last night. The wind had died down somewhat this morning, but it was still pretty blustery. Around noon temps had dropped slightly and we had flurries swirling prettily outside, so late-afternoon-ish YT decided to hit the shore for a run. [Work off those cream puffs, donchaknow]. Bam! Foiled again – wind had picked up and what’s more, it was high tide so the waves came crashing mightily over the embankment, tossing forth rocks and sea gunk and lots of salty spray. YT had a couple of narrow escapes but managed to make it back home without being utterly drenched or hit in the head by a rock. At the moment it’s calm again with a lovely layer of the white stuff like a sheet on the ground. Temps 1°C [33.8 F] and the sun came up at 9.49, went down at 17.36.
[PS. I’ve been trying to post pix from my new digicam toy using photobucket, but they turn out HUGE on the page! Any techno-gurus out there??]
You spank your parents? for creamy puffs? Dear lord, mad as a box of frogs….
re photo’s – you want to scale them to no greater than 800 by 600 pixels for the internet, ideally probably 640 x 480 (also known as VGA). allows you to re-scale your images once you’ve uploaded them, if you don’t have any photo manipulation software to do them on your pc. I use Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004, but that ain’t free…hmm
The Iceland Weather Report humbly thanks you for your invaluable techno-speak Colin and will attempt to implement these instructions in due course 🙂
As for the spanking thing, we imported that from the Germans. So blame them.
Is that like a choux bun with chocolate on top?
I think it beats our measly pancakes any day…
I don’t know what a choux bun is. This is like a pastry type thing with jam and cream in the middle, and chocolate on top. V. yummy.
For some reason it appeared huge last night when I posted, but overnight it has shrunk to thumbnail size. The reverse is true of most of the Icelandic population, I’m sure.
It sounds a bit different to a choux bun, as there’s no jam involved…
Choux pastry is like the pastry you get in profiteroles or chocolate éclairs – have you heard of them?
Ah. [Learned a new word!] Yes, that’s what they are, then. Profiterole pastry, with a little jam (pref. blueberry, me) and loads of whipped cream. And chocolate on top.
OK, seriously, kids are SUPPOSED to hit their parents AND eat sugary snacks??? But we’re the ones with all of the overweight kids? There’s something wrong with that picture, but I haven’t the foggiest where it is – LOL.
Oh, we have overweight kids, too! But this is only one day… and it’s tradition… and and…
Oooh–I’d love a holiday like that, but only if the parent got to eat at least as many cream puffs as the child.
You can post your Photobucket pictures directly into your blog by posting the code shown under the picture (select “edit html” in Blogger first then paste it in). And you can reduce the size of the picture right in Photobucket.
we’re loving this weather (and this wacky icelandic keyboard)! i’m just hoping for more white stuff and maybe a leetle less wind.
Excellent! We have a Weather Report co-contributor on site! 🙂 But, less wind?? This is about as ‘less’ as you get over here, I’m afraid…