Deadpan headline on Icelandic National Radio at noon:
“Kiefer Sutherland is in town”
Iceland: cosmpolitan or provincial? Discuss.
[YT is still contending with Nasty Flu and will return to more substantial Weather Reporting in due course.]
Deadpan headline on Icelandic National Radio at noon:
“Kiefer Sutherland is in town”
Iceland: cosmpolitan or provincial? Discuss.
[YT is still contending with Nasty Flu and will return to more substantial Weather Reporting in due course.]
did they say why is kiefer in your country?
Just chillin’. Iceland being the new playground of the rich and famous 🙂 Plus we have the best New Years party in the world.
Lol, thank you very much Alda.
Happy New Year 😉
I’d love to visit Iceland one day. I did a little reading up on your country once and I was overwhelmed by it’s beauty.
It really is so beautiful, Kim. Even Canada couldn’t keep me away. (and that’s saying a lot!)