Such a serene day.

  • No fear
  • No anxiety
  • No insecurity
  • No resentments
  • No impatience
  • No unreasonable expectations
  • No adverse reactions to others’ behaviour

… Just a buoyant heart and a sense that everything is as it
should be.

I’ll take more of those. Please.

This morning was one of the most beautiful in recent history – bright sunshine, the sea slick and shining, like a blue-tinged mirror. No wind. A benign day – generous and kind. Later it started blowing a bit and it was pretty damn cold by around 6-ish, but that’s… [shrug]. Right now there’s a nasty wind from the north out there, whipping around my building like a maniac in a fit of rage. Temperatures are not so benign now, 3°C but with windchill probably below zero. The moon is pretty stupendous, though, silvery-white and wading through the clouds. 06.23 was daybreak; 20.16 nightfall.