Want to be my beta reader?

Hey everyone – I’m looking for a handful of volunteers who might be willing to help out by acting as beta readers for my new book. If you’re not familiar with it, a beta readers is (generally) a non-professional who reads over a work prior to...

Building a book for self-publishing

As many readers will know, the release of my new book, Unraveled, is imminent. “Yeah yeah,” I hear you thinking, “she’s been banging on about this for months” – and you will be right. [Although I don’t believe I’ve ever...

This is what's happening with my new book

In the last while I’ve had a few people ask me what’s going on with my new book – the novel for which I was requesting beta readers a while back. Well, the writing is done, the beta reading is done, the editing is done, I think we’ve nailed a...